Study – Making the right choices for you
There are various institutions within WA’s Metropolitan and Regional areas that offer accredited courses throughout WA. Choosing the right one can be a daunting prospect with the level of choice available. To make this easier for you we have provided an outline of the various institutions and their locations below as well as handy links to their course lists and fees.
If you feel studying independently is a viable option for you, you can use this guide to assist you in your research.
If a potential study option is a part of your rehabilitation program it’s important to discuss this first with your rehabilitation consultant before establishing a clear study goal.
WA Education Institutions
- Campus locations include: Balga, Clarkson, East Perth, Joondalup (Kendrew Crescent), Joondalup (Mclarty Avenue), Leederville, Midland, Mount Lawley, Nedlands (Oral Health Centre), Perth (Northbridge).
- Campus locations include: Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Karratha, Kununurra, Minurmarghali Mia (Roebourne), Newman, Pundulmurra (Hedland), Tom Price, Wyndham.
- Campus locations include: Batavia Coast Maritime Institute, Carnarvon, Exmouth, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Moora, Northam, Technology Park, Wiluna.
Curtin University (Bentley Campus)
- Other satellite locations include: Kalgoorlie, Margaret River, and Perth (City)
Edith Cowan University (Joondalup Campus)
- Other satellite locations include: Bunbury, and Perth (Mount Lawley)
- Other satellite locations include Rockingham and Mandurah
University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle)
- Other satellite locations include Broome
University of Western Australia (Crawley Campus)
- Other satellite locations include Albany, and Perth (Claremont)
List of Courses
Did you know!
- The University of Western Australia is the most central, located on the other side of King’s Park from the city centre.
- Curtin University, Murdoch University and the University of Notre Dame Australia are all positioned on the southern side of the Swan River.
- Edith Cowan University is based in the northern urban centre of Joondalup.
- Perth is easily the biggest city in WA and a popular study destination. Students can enjoy a sunny, outdoors lifestyle in a prosperous part of the world.
- The universities in Perth and WA teach 134,000 students, including 35,000 from abroad.