Gill L

B. Sc (Occupational Therapist)
Senior Rehabilitation Consultant

Gill is a passionate and energetic Occupational Therapist who has more than ten years’ experience working with clients in a range of industries, across multiple schemes and jurisdictions (WCWA, personal injury, ICWA, Income Protection, DOE, Government agencies) which has helped her develop a diverse skillset and a resilient approach to vocational rehabilitation.

She brings key management expertise and an appreciation of balancing the needs of all key parties related to injury management. Gill also has a genuine curiosity about people’s jobs, interests and motivation which empowers her thoughtful and client-centred approach to rehabilitation.

Gill’s expertise in complex physical injuries, worksite assessments, ergonomics and conflicting stakeholder management is also enhanced by her honest and empathetic case management approach.

Workplace conflict can be one of the greatest causes of employee stress which can then impact on performance and productivity. We can help you address conflict early to prevent workplace issues from escalating.