B. Sc (Occupational Therapy)
Principal Rehabilitation Consultant & Veterans Specialist
Occupational Therapist
Gill has broad experience working with physical and psychological injuries across private and public sectors in WA, NSW and the United Kingdom.
She has extensive experience supporting tri-service ADF personnel (including specialised service groups) return to duty or transition out of the military. Gill also has a keen interest in psychosocial rehabilitation and the recovery and growth opportunity following PTSD.
Gill works to understand the whole person in the context of their specific social, cultural and environmental situations who is a Registered Occupational Therapist with AHPRA, accredited with Comcare and a DVA registered provider.
Gill has extensive experience completing Activities of Daily Living Assessments, Ergonomic Assessments and Workplace Assessments.
Workplace conflict can be one of the greatest causes of employee stress which can then impact on performance and productivity. We can help you address conflict early to prevent workplace issues from escalating.