Marisa Leccese
Accredited Mediator NMAS; Grad Cert (Management)
Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder
Mediator & Organisational Consultant
Marisa’ gets things done. She has more than 25 years leadership and management experience and today drives operational excellence and the people strategy at Incite Solutions Group; a company she co-founded in 2014.
Her diverse portfolio of skills, experience and knowledge has been built and refined in senior leadership roles across the Commonwealth public sector. Marisa has also been responsible for reducing workers’ compensation liability costs for a large national employer, improving business revenue at a state and national level, as well as managing significant change agendas. She has coached both managers and teams in improving workplace communication to reduce the negative impact of workplace conflict. Marisa is an experienced facilitator and accredited mediator.
Marisa is an ARPA WA Council member and currently represents WA on the ARPA National Council.
Marisa was also awarded ARPA WA’s Exceptional Leadership Award (2021).
Workplace conflict can be one of the greatest causes of employee stress which can then impact on performance and productivity. We can help you address conflict early to prevent workplace issues from escalating.